A note from Terry Wright, Pawzazz Agility:
I cannot begin to find the right words to express my deep thanks to all for everything you did this weekend.
For those who didn’t attend, our judge Ben Philibert, couldn’t come because he tested positive for COVID. Mary Phalon jumped in and judged for us as Scott Casino supervised.
As always, you jumped in and ran this trial. Both your deep experience and your commitment shone through.
Of all trials for this to happen, the printer decided to be a prima donna. If it wasn’t for the PZ tech field surgeons, it would have been sad. I brought it home but it doesn’t know yet that its’ replacement will arrive soon.
Food was great and lots of it. One more time, thanks to Joan for organizing and running the Road Kill Cafe (RKC).
Judge’s award went to Beth Grosscup for working every class she didn’t run in and more. Beth, you may feel unseen at times but we do know all that you contribute.
High In Trial (HIT) – It was hard to silently root for all four top contenders all day Sunday! In the morning there was a 4 way tie! Karen and Gertie accumulated 100 points from the Novice Class, Lisa and Dexter and Charles and Jules both earned 110 and High in Trial went to Charles and Beau at 120!!!! All are top contenders who did superior work with happy teammates! We will be adopting Charles.
During both days, many of you popped up by the scoretable offering help and support. I appreciated it more than you will ever know.
Thanks again for what you made possible this weekend
Thanks Terry for all you do to make it possible for all of us to come and play!!!
Thanks to everyone who worked, played and made the trial a success. BTW we will have another RKC.
Joan, I’m soo glad!
I was scared because it sounded like a really bad hazing ritual. I was grateful when Terry explained that it was not that crazy… it was more of a competitive eating contest.
Love those crock pots!
“…Karen and Gertie accumulated 100 points from the Novice Class…”
Terry, thanks so much for having trials so we can all play!!! Joan, RKC was the best!!! Congratulations to Beth and to the 4 HIT winners!!! Let’s do it again!!!
The music! In addition to her other duties, Terry puts on her DJ hat to provide our very own tunes for Regular and constant fun background music that helps our trials feel lighthearted!
Helping out both days allowed me to visit more and see more amazing runs. The weekend ran like clockwork. Even when the printer argued with Terry and a handler went down, members jumped in to help, keeping everything moving smoothly. Scott and Mary were a dynamic duo throughout the weekend. It was a fun weekend.