Trial Premiums


Nov. 2023 Trial

Please use  PDF button below to download the trial Premium

Venue: NADAC
When: Nov. 18-19
Where: Periland Agility, 511 Jefferson Pike, Knoxville MD
Co-Hosted by Kinder-PUP, Inc. and Team Pawzazz
Nov. 18-19  Show Committee

Judged by Scott Casino

Show Chairperson: Terry Wright
Show Secretary: Terry Wright
Chief Course Builder: Tom Moloney-Harmon
Equipment Manager: Tia Stinnett


  • Indoors with sand/dirt mixture
  • Contact Surface: Rubberized contacts
  • Crating indoors.
  • Briefing at 7:30am each day
  • First dog on the line at 7:45am
  • Opening Date: No opening date
  • Closing Date: Promptly at noon, Nov. 8, 2023.
  • Single run format
  • Entry Limits: 400 runs per day
Class: # of Rounds:
Jumpers 1
Regular 2
Chances 1
Gamblers 1
Tunnelers 1
Class: # of Rounds:
Weavers 1
Regular 2
Touch&Go 1
Chances 1
Jumpers 1

Oct. 2023 Trial

Please use  PDF button below to download the trial Premium

Venue: NADAC
When: Oct. 21-22, 2023
Where: HogDog Productions,
470 Ski Lane, Millersville, MD
Co-Hosted by Kinder-PUP, Inc. and Team Pawzazz
Oct. 21-22 Show Committee

Judged by Bernie Doyle

Show Chairperson: Terry Wright
Show Secretary: Terry Wright
Chief Course Builder: Tom Moloney-Harmon
Equipment Manager: Tia Stinnett


  • Indoors with sand/dirt mixture
  • Contact Surface: Rubberized contacts
  • Crating and setup 7am each day
  • Briefing  7:30am
  • First dog on the line at 7:45am
  • Opening Date: No opening date
  • Closing Date: Promptly at noon, Oct. 11, 2023
  • Single run format
  • Entry Limits: 400 runs per day
    Regular 1&2 2
    Chances 1
    Gamblers 1
    Tunnelers 1
    Jumpers 1
    Class: # of Rounds:
    Regular 1&2 2
    Chances 1
    Touch&Go 1
    Weavers 1
    Jumpers 1