Thank you for visiting Kinder-Pup, Inc! We hope your stay with us will be pleasant!
We created this web site for those who wish to have a quiet way to explore the training programs in depth.
As always, we remain available to you by telephone 410-969-2600 to help with unanswered questions, program selections or registrations.
Explore away and enjoy the experience!
ABOUT US: We are a small business that deliberately retains the “personal touch“. Classes are taught by Terry Wright and Debi Hutchinson and a few hand picked trainers who have apprenticed with us through the years. We have been professionally training dogs for well over 50 years and have broad experience with all breeds of canines.
We are currently located at the border of Pasadena and Severna Park at 8399 B & A Blvd. We do all business by appointment. Kinder-Pup is only staffed when classes are going on. We answer the telephone from our home which is not located at the business site.

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